There are several factors that should be considered when choosing an academy of hair design. The right school will offer comprehensive courses, have a strong, well respected reputation, and offer job placement assistance. Prospective hairstylists can expect to attend school for at least two years and will spend a great deal of time in the classroom setting as well as in the school's student salon working on the general public. This field is always changing to meet the current fashion trends in hair, makeup, and nails, and continuing education is considered to be very important after graduation and for the licensing process.
The best academy of hair design for you is the one that offers the most effective and comprehensive courses taught by knowledgeable, trained staff. You can expect to attend classes with an emphasis on the anatomy of the head, hands, and feet as well as courses that focus on the various aspects of complete hair care education. In the beauty college setting, it is common for students to learn various haircuts for different types of hair as well as how to do manicures, pedicures, and facials. Some of the course work should be performed on volunteers to ensure the students understand and are competent in the various aspects of cosmetology.
As with any type of college, the reputation of the chosen academy of hair design is very important as well. When choosing the right beauty college for your needs, it is important to learn more about the school through a variety of sources, including online reviews, previous students' opinions, and the opinion of other stylists you know and trust. Most hair stylists are willing to talk about their education experience and will make recommendations to potential students.
When selecting the best academy of hair design, many people choose schools that offer job placement assistance to their students following graduation and licensing. Many schools maintain a list of network contacts that are called upon or call the school when a new stylist in needed in their locations. In some cases, all of these contacts may not be local, but they do afford wonderful opportunities to the right candidate. Beauty schools with strong community ties are often looked to for new talent when jobs become available as well, so it is beneficial to the student to choose an academy of hair design that is respected locally.