Choosing an above ground pool cleaner should be based on your needs and the size of your swimming pool. In selecting a machine, it is generally good practice to ensure a warranty comes with the purchase. Ask questions when you visit a pool supply company, and enlist the help of a knowledgeable sales person. Go online to see if the models you're considering have had any reviews from other consumers, and check out how they are rated. Inquire whether discounts are available and comparison shop to get the best deal.
A pool cleaner is used for pool sanitizing and getting rid of mess, such as leaves, dirt, or other debris that has settled onto the walls or floor of your pool. A vacuum-type device is most common, although an automatic device called a pressure cleaner can be used in conjunction with some type of pump. If you have no prior knowledge of how to install a pressure cleaner, you may need to enlist a professional to do the job for you. It may be cheaper in the long run to choose a suction-type pool cleaner that will operate off of your above ground pool pump. This may not be an ideal choice, however, if your pool tends to collect a lot of fragments and remnants from nearby trees and shrubs.
You may also want to choose an above ground pool cleaner that will help remove any traces of mold and mildew that have accumulated in your swimming pool. Not all cleaners have the ability to do this. On the other hand, if you use a high quality chemical designed for eliminating growth of mold or mildew, you may want to concentrate on finding a cleaner that works primarily on cleaning residue and debris.
For less manual work and ease of use, as well as portability, you may wish to consider some type of self-propelled or robotic vacuum. Keep in mind that you'll need an accessible outdoor outlet for running the unit. Although it will typically perform a thorough cleaning job, this type may be more costly than some of the pressure-cleaning models.
When selecting your automatic above ground pool cleaner, as always read consumer reports and reviews. It's not always enough to make your decision solely on the basis of how many stars a product has, however. A consumer may have given it a low-star rating simply because the cleaner didn't meet his particular needs. If a product has a five-star rating, it also doesn't necessarily mean that it will be right for your particular needs. Reading the comments and weighing pros and cons might help considerably.