You can choose between advertising schools by visiting schools in your area, determining what you would like to do with your degree, and comparing factors like pricing for tuition and housing. In most cases, both two- and four-year schools will offer classes in marketing or advertising. Therefore, you should also choose ahead of time if you would like to pursue a two-year degree or if you want to attend a four-year university.
The first step you should take is to visit as many advertising schools as you can. If you have a few in mind, go with those first and then branch out to others you learn about along the way. How many you tour will depend on whether you want to stay close to home or travel in order to attend. When distance is not an obstacle, you may be able to tour dozens of schools to get an idea of which one might be the best fit.
Speak with a student advisor or counselor at each institution and ask as many questions as you can. He or she will be able to help you choose which major or classes you want to take, as well as instruct you on how to get started. Additional questions regarding financial aid and student housing may be answered in another department, so try to get any appointments you need scheduled for the same day. You should also ask for a tour of the entire campus, including dorms and other student living areas.
Many two-year schools do not offer student housing, so if you will be moving in order to attend school, you may consider visiting local apartment complexes in the area in which you will live. View those that are within your price range, and ask about any housing that is associated with the school you are considering. This will give you a good idea of what your living expenses may be in each location.
The choice between advertising schools on your list may come down to price. Some schools have cheaper tuition than others, and some are able to provide certain scholarships or financial aid program that others are not eligible to take part in. If you have been offered any academic scholarships or aid, consider schools where you can take advantage of them.
You may also have to consider advertising schools that will help you fit your schoolwork in with your existing schedule. If you have a job or children, for instance, you may need to look into night or weekend classes. Some schools even offer daycare facilities so parents can attend classes without as many hassles.