More and more people are turning to the Internet for higher education. Online instruction offers convenience in many ways, from avoiding a commute to studying around your work or family schedule. This is true of an education in cosmetology as well. Online cosmetology school might be more convenient or cost effective choice as compared to traditional education.
If so, then it helps to know how to determine the best choice in an. As with any offer found on the Internet, it pays to use caution and do some research before committing yourself to anything. First, make sure the online cosmetology school meets your basic needs. Many offer only continuing education, which means you will first need to obtain your cosmetology license elsewhere.
Also, it is important to learn which prerequisites, if any, must be fulfilled before enrolling. Some states require a high school diploma or the equivalent while others do not. Do you wish to enroll with an accredited online cosmetology school? The National Accrediting Commission for Cosmetology Arts & Science is probably the most recognized agency, and generally bases accreditation on factors such as the types and quality of the set of courses offered and the knowledge and competency of the faculty.
There are other criteria but some apply only to brick and mortar schools. One example is the amenities offered on campus. Another thing to consider is the ability to get hands on experience working with live models, which isn't likely to be available with an online cosmetology school.
You may want to use an online cosmetology school or beauty school directory to compare the curriculum, cost, financial aid offered, and other features of different schools. Make a list of pros and cons. See which one overall appears to meet your needs, or narrow it down to two or three. Then, ask more questions.
It may also be a good idea to visit a local cosmetology school or a salon and ask students or working stylists about their education. Perhaps the school you are interested in will also give you access to alumni or a student representative who will answer your questions. Some offer free brochures, information packets, or detailed websites.
While terms like beauty school, barber college, or hair academy are often used interchangeably with cosmetology school, it’s a good idea to examine carefully exactly what is being offered. Make sure the curriculum you are interested in is available, but don’t overlook an online cosmetology school because of its name. You can call, write, or email the school to find out more.