Training in hospitality can advance your goals for a career in hotel and event management, restaurant service, tourism, or any job requiring excellent hospitality skills. By choosing to attend a hospitality college, you will hopefully receive training that will be of lifelong benefit to your career. When choosing a hospitality college, there are several factors to consider that may make your education run smoothly and fit your personal needs.
The first thing to consider when choosing a college is location. If you wish to go into business in your local area, a nearby hospitality college may provide you with contacts inside your desired industry. Meeting and getting to know local professionals during your course of study may help you secure a job, or at least friends in the industry, after you graduate. If your dreams include setting up shop in a specific city, consider relocating there for your college experience. It can help you determine if the city is the right place for you, and allow you to learn the scene before setting out on your own.
Degrees offered may affect your choice of hospitality college. Some larger colleges offer four-year undergraduate degrees in hospitality management. There are even some schools where you can obtain a Master’s Degree or Doctorate in certain areas of hospitality management. If you feel that a degree from an accredited university will help you in your career goals, consider attending a school that provides a Bachelor’s or Master’s program.
The cost for attending any college can be high, and hospitality colleges are no exception. If you attend a hospitality program as part of a university education, your fees will likely be similar to those for other students. Professional and private training institutions may be higher, depending on the requirements and benefits of the program. Check to see if the schools you are considering offer scholarships, grants, or loans to help with tuition costs.
Time is another major factor in choosing a hospitality college. If you have a family or must hold down a full-time job, you may be unable to devote the required amount of time to a four-year degree program. This need not stop you from receiving an excellent education in your field, however; many community and junior colleges offer certificate or Associate Degree programs in hospitality fields. In addition to giving you a more flexible schedule, community college fees are typically far lower than university tuition.
Try to speak to at least one graduate or current student from any school you are seriously considering attending. Be sure to ask about the balance of theoretical and hands-on training, the difficulty of the program, and whether they feel it has advanced their career. Former students are likely to give you great information that is ignored or glossed over in admission brochures, and may give you a clearly picture of what your experience will entail.