There are four items to consider when choosing a home inspection school: accreditation, job placement opportunities, certification provided, and faculty. Home inspection school is usually part of a larger community or career college and is often organized within the skilled trades or construction school. A home inspector is responsible for visiting a residential property, reviewing the primary systems, building structure, and state of repair. He or she then prepares a written evaluation of the value of the property, the repairs that are required, and the estimated costs. This report is used by the potential purchasers to decide if they want the home and to negotiate a lower purchase price.
In order to qualify for admission to home inspection school, a minimum high school diploma is required. Many programs require candidates to have been out of formal school for at least two years, and have relevant work experience in the skilled trades. Increasingly, home inspection schools are creating tailored programs for trades people or structural engineers who wish to move into this type of career.
When looking for a home inspection school, check the accreditation status. An accredited school has been reviewed by an independent third party. Courses from an accredited school can be transferred to other post-secondary institutions. This is very important, many people return to formal education several times in their career. The ability to get credit for courses completed earlier can reduce the total cost and length of the training program. Accredited schools are able to offer students access to government student aid programs.
Schools that have connections to industry and job placement programs provide the best combination of education and experience. These programs have a range of placement positions in different areas and settings. For example, a home inspector who has experience with historic homes has a niche skill. The broader the experience, the more career options are available.
Opportunities to inspect a home with a master plumber and electrician will provide different insights and methods to identify quality workmanship, future issues, or other problems. Someone who has experience with renovation projects knows exactly where to look for signs of short cuts or low quality materials. Guest speakers are another sign of close relationships to the local industry, and ensure that the program is providing current information.
Check the program details to determine if the school is providing a certified home inspector program. There are specific courses, hours of experience, and examinations required to obtain this certification. Schools that can provide this certification may have slightly higher tuition fees, but it is well worth it.
Most home inspection schools provide the biographies of their instructors on the school websites. The information provided typically includes academic credentials, background, and work experience. In this field, practical experience is more valuable than academic credentials. Look for instructors with a solid reputation, dedication to quality, and a long-term commitment to the community.