Choosing a hair school is an important first step in starting a new career. There are several things to consider when you choose a hair school. Location, cost and services are all important factors in determining what school will be the best fit. Application fees are typically required when you fill out paperwork to attend beauty schools, so it is important to narrow down your choices before applying.
People who attend beauty school typically commute on a daily basis. For convenience and financial reasons it is important to choose a school that is within a reasonable commuting distance. A school that is further away may have less expensive tuition, but once you factor in the cost in time and fuel for driving the extra distance, you will probably find that you aren’t saving much, if any, money.
When you compare the price of different hair schools in your area it is important to make equal comparisons. One school that has much lower tuition may require you to purchase many of your own supplies. A school with a higher tuition rate may provide many of the materials you will need in class. Compare the total cost of each school. If some things are not provided, ask the registration clerk how much, on average, you should expect to pay for these items each term.
The services that a hair school offers are also an important part of the decision. If you only plan to get your barber license it may make sense to choose a barber school. These schools typically have shorter terms and are less expensive. If you want to learn how to apply hair color, receive a cosmetologist’s license or learn the trendiest cutting techniques, you will need to go to a different type of hair school.
The only way to know what services a hair school offers is to ask. If the school that you are looking at doesn’t offer the types of class that you are interested in, you have a decision to make. For some people, attending a school closer to home or one that is less expensive outweighs the desire to learn different techniques. Others would prefer a longer commute or spending a little more money in order to earn additional certifications.
Hair schools offer additional services as well. Before settling on a particular school, ask about financial aid packages and job placement services. Many schools will help arrange payment options for students that need help paying for class. Many hair schools will also help new graduates find positions at established hair salons in the area. Both of these are valuable services.