Due to technological advancements that took place within the 1990s and at the beginning of the 21st century, ultrasonography technicians are very popular as a career path. To become an ultrasonography technician requires specific training, but is not as difficult as many of the other jobs within the medical field. Steps you will have to complete include finishing the appropriate degree program, obtaining certification, and then applying for open positions.
Studying to become an ultrasonography technician can begin as early as high school for some students. Course that will aid you in the future include life sciences, computer science, math, and others. It is also important to remember that, upon graduation from high school, you can even choose to complete an ultrasonography technician degree online.
In order to become an ultrasonography technician, you must complete a high school education, as well as a two- or four-year degree program. Many people finish complete a degree at a traditional college or vocational school, while others obtain training through the Armed Forces. It is pertinent that you acquire your education through an accredited institution, as this will not only ensure that you are receiving top training, but will also significantly help your chances of obtaining a job. Class topics will often include ethics, anatomy and terminology, physiology, and more.
In the United States, there are no legal requirements that an ultrasonography technician to become certified, though most do. This helps him or her to be recognized as a competent worker by potential employers. After graduating, consider registering with the American Radiological and Diagnostic Medical Sonographer Association, as most employers prefer this type of certification.
After completing your educational programs and certification processes, the final thing to do is find a job. Many times, you will find it helpful to contact the Career Services department at the school through which you completed your degree program. This department can help you to find and apply for open job positions. You will also discover that many school programs have agreements with medical facilities, which can be a quick track to employment. If you find it difficult to land a job and become an ultrasonography technician, make sure that you are applying to both public and private practices.