Those seeking to become an executive administrative assistant will do well to begin with the right kind of education. While administrative assistants did not need a specialized eduction in the past, today's assistants are well-qualified. Many different universities offer specific administrative assistant programs that will help prospective candidates excel in this field.
Even though it is possible to become an executive administrative assistant with an associate's degree, well-paid assistants tend to have a bachelor's degree. Subjects that should be focused upon during university years include science, math, business, record keeping, business law, accounting, and language studies. In addition, any management courses that are offered at the university level should not be overlooked.
The tasks expected of an executive assistant are varied. Often, assistants will be asked to schedule meetings, keep meeting notes, interview other employees, and even fire employees when it is necessary. In many ways, in order to become an executive assistant a person must be willing to adopt different roles effectively. Therefore, this position is best suited to those that enjoy learning on a regular basis.
Executive assistants used to be highly comparable to secretaries, though this is no longer the case. In fact, numerous employers will often hire both an assistant and a secretary to perform very different tasks. While secretaries focus mainly upon clerical objectives, assistants aren't generally expected to perform these tasks at all. Instead, assistants are often expected to take on more important roles within an office environment.
Employment within the executive assistant field can be found by applying to advertisements posted on job boards. Often, those in need of an assistant will hire a job placement agency to find the right candidate. Thus, the best way to obtain this kind of position is to speak with a job placement agent. Interestingly, executive assistant positions have become increasingly popular over the past couple of years.
This has caused a surge in the number of qualified assistants looking for high paying jobs. Candidates sho wish to set themselves apart from all other applicants may want to focus upon one particular industry. A few specific fields to consider studying include accounting, logistics, medical, and legal. Those candidates who do not want to take part in a four-year university program may still be able to become an executive administrative assistant by gaining valuable job experience.
Obtaining a position within a legal, medical, or other firm may help an individual to become an executive administrative assistant. Often, through becoming well-known around an office environment, an individual can gain professional advancement. There are many ways to become an executive administrative assistant, and all of these ways have been proven to be effective.