One of the best ways an individual can become an esthetician is to complete a course at one of many reputable esthetician schools, either locally or online; this is especially helpful since some jurisdictions require estheticians to acquire a license before being able to practice. Although many people can learn the skills needed for certain job functions, such as applying makeup, through less-formal means, personally-guided instruction can help enhance understanding of the principles of aesthetics. Individuals can also learn to specialize in a specific field; while some budding skin-care specialists prefer spa-like work environments, others will prefer the more scientific approach of a medical esthetician. Regardless of specialization, practice is of utmost importance for someone who wants to become an esthetician, as many employers will require a demonstration of skills.
The first step a person should take to become an esthetician is to locate a good school that offers esthetician training. Possible signs of quality include accreditation by a local governing body and programs for further study and experiential learning. Good esthetician schools, for example, offer internship programs for students, while others can go so far as to assist students with job placement after graduation. The school should ideally also offer review courses for any licensure examinations required by the state or offer the exams itself. If the course being considered is offered online, prospective students should take extra care in selecting their schools; searching online for reviews from previous students, as well as confirming any accreditation the school mentions having, should be a priority.
Once a school has been chosen, students should then decide what specific program they want to take in order to become an esthetician. Some courses can be extremely specific and focus on a particular service, while others give students the flexibility to be general practitioners. Students hoping to become medical estheticians should enroll in courses that offer more in-depth scientific principles, such as dermatology.
After completing the program, individuals should then focus on gaining experience in their field of work. More often than not, this involves internships at established clinics. It is not uncommon for students to apply for internships before licensure exams, as the experiential learning can prove to be an invaluable study aid. An individual might have enough resources to invest in her own equipment; this can help her become an esthetician by making practice more readily available and allowing her to familiarize herself with the tools. Once an individual feels she's garnered enough experience in her chosen service and can present an adequate demonstration of her abilities, she can then apply for a job at a local clinic.