In order to become an engineering graduate student, you must first maintain a high grade point average and obtain an undergraduate degree from an accredited college or university. You may also be required to take an examination to determine your readiness for graduate school before you can advance to a program. For instance, advancing students in many countries are required to take a Graduate Record Examination or GRE before being admitted to graduate school. If you score well on this examination, you are in a good position to gain admittance to several different universities that offer a graduate level degree in engineering. Select one or more graduate programs that you are interested in attending and begin applying to each one in order to become an engineering graduate student at one of them.
If you would like to become an engineering graduate student or eventually obtain an engineering Ph.D., it is very important that you set this goal early in your college career. In order for you to be accepted to a good graduate school, it will be important for you to maintain a high grade point average throughout your undergraduate studies. Exact grade point average expectations will vary among graduate programs, but maintaining a 3.5 or higher is a good idea. You will also benefit from a good relationship with your instructors during your undergraduate years, as eventually you will need letters of recommendations from several of them in order to become an engineering graduate student.
The Graduate Record Examination does not measure your engineering knowledge, but it does measure your critical thinking, writing and reasoning skills. Not all programs require students to take the GRE before becoming an engineering graduate student. Many programs do use test scores and grade point averages in determining admittance, however, so it is best to take the examination in case a school that you eventually apply to requests the results of this examination. The examination is quite rigorous and while preparing to become an engineering graduate student, some take the exam twice in an effort to increase their overall score.
You may be intent on becoming an engineering graduate student at one particular university. It is best, however, to choose several programs and apply to them all in case you are not admitted to the school you most desire to attend. Research and compare several programs beforehand to familiarize yourself with what each school has to offer, how a degree from each school is perceived in the workforce and which ones are the most attractive to you as a future engineering graduate student. Apply to become an engineering grad student at a minimum of three separate engineering graduate programs to increase your chances of being accepted at a good school.