If you want to become an employment counselor, you will need to complete a university degree program first. This level of education will help you to develop your research and communication skills. You will need both of these abilities if you are going to be working with people who are looking for work or who are trying to find out which career choices would be a good fit for their skills and abilities.
Completing the requirements for an undergraduate degree in psychology, sociology, or social work will help to prepare you for work as an employment counselor. Getting a degree in business communication helps students learn the skills necessary for communicating effectively in a professional environment. Other choices for an undergraduate degree that will help you to become an employment counselor are communications, human services, or behavioral science.
If you want to become an employment counselor, completing a Master's degree in counseling with a concentration in career counseling will give you the educational background you need. This program will build on the fundamentals of counseling and help the student to focus on the specific issues involved in the field of career counseling.
At the Master's degree level, a person who wants to become an employment counselor will take courses in assessing the needs of individuals and groups. The curriculum will also include courses in legal issues, ethics, and organizational behavior. Some of the program will focus on career counseling for high school and college students.
After graduation, trained career counselors can find work in high schools, colleges, universities, and private schools. Some employment counselors work for government agencies, while others find work at employment or outplacement agencies. Others go into business for themselves and work with clients independently.
An employment counselor career can be very rewarding. People who do well in this career choice treat each of their clients as an individual with a unique combination of skills and abilities. A good career counselor will encourage their client to consider a number of options when it comes to finding the right kind of work for them.
People no longer expect to work for one employer or in one type of job for all of their working lives. Changing jobs and careers is not uncommon. As long as there are people who need help finding the right career or who are looking for a job or interested in changing jobs, there will be a demand for their services.