To become an educational technologist, you will typically have to determine the level of education you need for the particular job you want and then seek a degree or certificate. Typically, employers offer entry-level jobs to those with undergraduate degrees and certificates while higher-level opportunities are often reserved for those with graduate degrees. Besides a degree or certificate, you will likely also need skills in communication, training, and project-management to become an educational technologist.
When you want to become an educational technologist, your first step might involve researching jobs in your area. This can prove helpful because of the fact that educational requirements and position types generally will differ from employer to employer. With this research in mind, you can then decide how much education to seek in preparation for this career. You will most likely need at least a high school education or a General Educational Development® (GED®) credential in order to become an educational technologist, but you will also have to decide whether to seek a bachelor's degree or a master's degree in preparation for this job. Alternatively, you may consider earning an educational technology certificate instead.
You can generally become an educational technologist and seek an entry level position with a bachelor's degree or a certificate in educational technology. Some of the higher positions, however, may prove to be beyond your reach if you do not hold a graduate degree. The good news, in such a situation, is that you won't necessarily have to stay in the entry-level position just because you do not have a graduate degree. Instead, you might have the opportunity to seek promotions and take on higher-level jobs after you have gained work experience. If, on the other hand, you opt to earn a graduate degree right away, you may have more choices when it comes to job opportunities and you might enjoy faster advancement.
The skills you will need to become an educational technologist will likely depend on the company that hires you. Good communication skills are a typical requirement, which usually means you will have to speak and write well. Most companies will also want you to get along well with others and demonstrate organizational abilities; project management skills may also prove important for a person with this job title. The ability to effectively train others in the use of educational technology is usually critical as well, and employers will likely want to know that you can explain technical details in a way the average person can easily understand.