Two general paths exist to become a automobile mechanic: the first path will require you to learn as much as possible about vehicle maintenance and repair, and then apprentice at an auto shop, and the other path will require you to attend a mechanic training school. You may start your path to become a automobile mechanic as early as high school by taking automobile maintenance and repair classes offered by the school. Sometimes the best way to get yourself on the path toward becoming a mechanic is to take a job as a parts runner or counter clerk at an automobile garage.
Most employers require some sort of certification if you want to become a automobile mechanic with them. In some countries, the certification is done by obtaining Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) certificates; such certificates will show that you have been trained in certain areas of automotive repair and maintenance. The more ASE certifications you have, the more valuable you will appear to a potential employer. Many employers will pay for you to obtain more ASE certifications once you become a automobile mechanic with the company. Take advantage of such offerings if they arise, as they will make you more valuable as an employee and may even lead to more earnings.
Of course, many people do not obtain ASE certifications on their paths to become a automobile mechanic. They simply learn as much as possible about the functions of automobiles and open their own repair businesses, sometimes out of a home garage or other rented space. This is a viable option for starting your career as an automobile mechanic, though you will need to keep in mind that this is a more difficult path that will require you to learn about marketing, bookkeeping, and otherwise managing a business on your own. Keep in mind, too, that potential customers will also look for certifications or other qualifications that show you are a high quality mechanic. Do as much as possible to build your reputation and qualifications to ensure customers trust you and return to you for future business.
Community colleges and technical schools offer programs that will take you step by step through the process to become a automobile mechanic. These programs can cost a fair amount of money, so you will need to carefully budget if you intend to take this route. This is a good option because it covers most of the knowledge you will need to become a good mechanic, and it may even allow you to earn some ASE certifications along the way.