To become an asset management specialist in the financial industry, you should first get a strong background in fields such as finance or economics. You also should pursue certification, such as the Accredited Asset Management Specialist (AAMS) certificate, which is offered in the United States. While people interested in this kind of certification often take self guided courses, many others take courses that are taught by mentors who are familiar with the certification exam. Many aspiring asset management specialists also enroll in master's programs, some employers and clients consider experience just as important.
A financial asset management specialist often works as a financial manager or planner. He or she helps clients to make the best decisions regarding the investment of stocks, bonds, and other financial instruments. To become an asset management specialist, you should be able to determine the levels of risk associated with investments, as well as to know which investments can generate the highest returns. Individuals in this field should be able to analyze financial data, apply mathematical principles, and use complex financial software.
In order to become an asset management specialist, you probably have to find employment with a financial services firm. Many of these firms require that job candidates have at least three years of experience working in the financial services industry. It also is common for employers to request that job candidates have excellent critical thinking skills. You should have references from past employers and colleagues who can attest to these abilities.
An asset management specialist also describes an individual who is responsible for overseeing all equipment used by an organization. It is common to find this kind of professional in an information technology (IT) department. He or she manages leases and contracts, schedules repairs, and develops systems for tracking the locations and statuses of pieces of equipment.
To become an asset management specialist in this context, it is necessary that you be comfortable learning about new kinds of software. You also should be able to read leases and contracts and negotiate their terms with suppliers. Asset management specialists tend to have excellent communication skills.
In most cases, experience is more important that education for this kind of asset management specialist. Requirements are heavily dependent, however, on the industry in which you work. In the medical field, for example, it may be necessary to receive a formal education as a technician before becoming an asset management specialist.