In most places, formal education isn’t required to become a wedding florist, but since your clients will trust you with one of the most important days of their lives, you may consider enrolling in a florist education program to increase your knowledge of floral design and business. Alternatively, you might learn by securing an apprenticeship with a wedding florist. In addition to training, or at least experience, you will typically need creative talent and good communication skills for working with clients. Additionally, you may consider opening your own business once you become a wedding florist, which means meeting your jurisdiction's requirements for operating a business.
Though there is flexibility when it comes to how you get it, you will usually need instruction when you want to pursue a career designing wedding floral arrangements. You can get this education through self-study, such as by using books and videos to learn or by working as an apprentice to a skilled, experienced wedding florist. If you land a regular job working in a florist’s shop, you can still gain some related knowledge and skills without a formal apprenticeship agreement. Many people, however, enroll in florist education programs in preparation to become a wedding florist.
If you're interested in formal training as a wedding florist, you can likely obtain the training you need from a floral design school or a community college. Usually, these programs end with the granting of diplomas or certificates and provide instruction in various types of floral design techniques and material selection. Often, such courses also cover the business skills required for managing a floral design business and provide an introduction to marketing.
Associate’s degree programs often cover the same subjects but also include general coursework in subjects like history, science, and math. Some associate’s degree programs provide more classes in floral design than certificate programs and offer more in-depth instruction in artistic design and plant care. They often cover working with seasonal and ornamental flowers as well. In most cases, certificate, diploma, and associate’s degree programs do not focus solely on designing for weddings but do include wedding floral instruction as part of the overall program.
Licensing or certification isn’t usually required when you want to become a wedding florist. Earning such a credential might, however, help you land a job or inspire confidence in potential clients. Often, certification or licensing requirements include graduating from high school or earning a General Educational Development (GED) certificate, completing an accredited floral design program or gaining significant related experience, and passing a written test and in-person design evaluation. If you plan to open a floral design business instead of working for a florist shop, you may also need a plan for running and marketing your business as well as a business license.