In order to become a web press operator, most employers require candidates to be high school graduates or possess a General Education Development (GED) High School Equivalency Diploma. In some areas, vocational schools and community colleges offer press operator training. In many cases, however, web press operators learn their job skills through on-the-job training and apprenticeship programs. Improving your knowledge of basic work skills will help to prepare you to compete in the job market. Once you have become a web press operator, it is important to continuously update and expand your knowledge of new technologies and processes, as well as positioning yourself for career advancement.
If you are in high school, seek opportunities for training there. Some high schools have print shops that offer students an overview of basic printing technology and processes. Some vocational high schools have more advanced printing industry training; however, due to the size and cost of web presses, few offer specific web operator training. If you are out of school and lack a high school diploma, complete a GED program in order to receive a high school equivalency diploma.
High school and GED programs offer the basic work skills that most employees need to function effectively. Focus on learning the written and oral communication skills that will help you on the job. Science classes, especially chemistry, can be useful in grasping the principles of offset web printing. Basic computer skills are also essential, as computer-based systems have become common in the web press room. Art, graphics, and photography classes can also provide valuable background knowledge that pertains to web printing.
Most people who become a web press operator do so through on-the-job training, or, less commonly, through an apprenticeship program. Many employees who aspire to become a web press operator often initially take other jobs in printing plants that will position them for advancement. Performing well in the pre-press department, bindery, warehouse, or maintenance can often provide a path to a web press operator position.
Candidates who are hired to become a web press operator trainee are usually first assigned to maintenance and cleaning jobs. As the candidate's knowledge increases, he or she will be exposed to the full range of web press operations and positions. These include maintaining adequate ink and paper supplies, manipulating ink fountains to produce correct ink densities and colors, maintaining color registration, and monitoring and resolving problems encountered with printing plates and blankets. With advanced training and on-the-job experience, you will be in a position to compete for jobs on specialized web presses.