Working as a wallpaper hanger can be a good way to earn money either full or part-time. If you would like to become a wallpaper hanger, it can be helpful to perfect your skills by performing an apprenticeship with an experienced paperhanger. Once you have learned the necessary skills, you can practice hanging wallpaper in your own home. After you are confident in your skills, you may want to advertise your services in a local telephone directory so people can contact you directly.
In order to become a wallpaper hanger, you should first become proficient in this task. Some skills you should learn are how to measure and cut strips of wallpaper and the types of wall treatments you need to complete before hanging wallpaper. It will also be helpful to know how to hang different types of wallpaper, because some may be pre-pasted while others need to have paste added. One way of obtaining these skills might be to work as an apprentice with a wallpaper hanger, painting contractor, or interior design expert.
Once you are comfortable with your skills, you will be ready to practice the craft. One way to do this could be to redecorate your own home by hanging wallpaper in several rooms. This can give you confidence in your abilities and provide a sample of your work to your friends and family. When guests stop by your home, you can show them the work you have done and let them know you are available to do jobs for them as well.
Working for friends and family is a good way to become a wallpaper hanger. This is because these people will be more interested in your success and therefore likely to recommend you to others. You may want to have business cards made so that your friends can pass them along to other individuals that need this service.
If you are interested in making wallpaper hanging your primary occupation, it can be a good idea to advertise your services in a local telephone directory. You could also hand out flyers or rent billboards to let people know about your business. If you are interested in working part-time, word-of-mouth advertisement may keep you busy without the need for more formal advertising.
Once you have become a wallpaper hanger, it can be important to stay up-to-date with changes in this field. This could involve new types of wall treatment or changes in the way wallpaper is manufactured. Remaining knowledgeable in these areas can help you give better service to your customers and ensure you are able to continue this line of work for many years to come.