A job as a trucker can be a rewarding and interesting one for the right candidate. In most cases, you will need to complete a high school education or a GED, though this is not always necessary to become a trucker. You will improve your chances of getting a job, however, with this level of education. Keep your driving record clean; while a few minor infractions may not prevent you from driving a truck, more serious violations can disqualify you from getting the licensing you need to become a trucker.
Remember that truck driving training schools will charge tuition, so if you want to become a trucker by attending school, it may be necessary to save up a fair amount of money or apply for loans before enrolling. Research different schools carefully and choose an accredited school with a good student-to-truck ratio; a lower student-to-truck ratio means you will get more time behind the wheel of a truck rather than waiting for a truck to become available.
In many areas, you will need to obtain a commercial driver's license, or CDL, that allows you to drive a truck that weighs more than 26,000 pounds (11,793 kg). You must obtain this license to become a trucker, and you cannot do so until you pass both a written exam and a driving test. In most cases, you will need to provide your own truck in which to take the test; some driving schools will provide the truck for you, though only if you are enrolled in the course. If you do not have access to a truck, consider taking a trucker training course that will provide the truck for practice and for the test.
All trucking companies will require you to pass any other licensing requirements established locally, nationally, or internationally. In many cases, you will need to get these licenses renewed yearly or otherwise periodically. You will also likely need to pass a physical examination to become a trucker; this examination ensures you are in good health and able to operate the vehicle safely. You should be prepared to do some manual labor if you want to become a trucker, and you will also need to be prepared to drive for many hours at a time. Truckers must adhere to certain limitations of driving time set forth by a regulating body, and drivers will need to keep accurate records of the miles they have driven. You should be prepared to be away from home for hours or even days at a time, and having some mechanical ability is a distinct advantage for most truckers.