In most cases, a certain level of education is not required to become a tow truck operator, though a person with a high school diploma or equivalent is more likely to get hired than candidates without this level of education. You will, however, be required to take all the necessary certification exams and you will need to obtain a commercial driver's license in many regions of the world. The first step to become a tow truck operator is to become familiar with the different types of tow trucks and the functions of these machines. You may want to consider apprenticing with a towing company to gain this knowledge.
Having a basic knowledge about towing and tow trucks will help you become a tow truck operator more quickly because you will be more valuable to an existing towing company that might hire you and help you obtain all necessary certificates and driver's license requirements. Try to research the types of trucks, the features of each truck, and the method for properly securing vehicles to each truck. It is very likely that you will need a clean driving record before any company will hire you, and even if you intend to start your own towing company, having a clean driving record will help you obtain all the proper certifications and other requirements.
Some truck driving schools will offer classes to help you become a tow truck operator. All necessary certification is included in such a course, but be prepared to spend some money on enrollment fees. If you do not want to enroll in a class to become a tow truck operator, you can obtain your commercial driver's license (CDL) from the Motor Vehicle Department by taking a written and driving test. You may need to procure your own vehicle for the test, so be sure to research the requirements. Once you have obtained your CDL, you will need to research the specific certification requirements and find out where to obtain the certificates. These activities will all cost money, so research costs and draw up a budget.
You can also approach a towing company and ask if they will pay the fees for such certifications if you are working for them. Obtaining a job at such a company may be more difficult, especially if you are not already certified to drive, but you may be able to do other work within the company while you work toward your CDL and certificates.