The steps you'll need to take to become a surgical scrub technician will likely start with earning a high school diploma or a General Educational Development® (GED®) credential. Most employers set this as the minimum level of education for this job, and training programs that could help prepare you for this career often set this as a requirement as well. Once you have a diploma or GED® in hand, you can then go on to enroll in a surgical scrub technician program in preparation for this career. While your high school education is important as a whole, the science courses you take may prove the most helpful for pursuing this career and doing well in a surgical scrub technician program.
Each employer likely will set different criteria for surgical scrub technician jobs. Some employers may only hire individuals who have completed surgical scrub technician programs while others may just state a preference for graduates of these programs. Either way, you may increase your chances of landing the job you want by enrolling in an associate's degree, certificate, or diploma program intended to prepare you for this job. Programs that end in associate's degrees typically last for about two years, but some certificate and diploma programs make it possible to become a surgical scrub technician faster. When choosing the school at which you will prepare for this job, it is important to note that school accreditation will likely prove important when you are ready to seek a job or earn certification.
In most cases, the training you receive in a surgical scrub technician program will include not only in-class learning, but also some clinical training. These programs typically teach important biology and anatomy concepts and also cover procedures for assisting other medical professionals and working in operating rooms. You will most likely also learn medical terminology as part of such a training program.
Depending on the country or region in which you want to become a surgical scrub technician, as well as the preferences of your prospective employer, you may also need certification to become a surgical scrub technician. Each certifying body will likely have slightly different requirements, but they usually include completing an application, paying an application fee, and providing proof that you have graduated from an accredited training program. You may also have to pass an examination as part of the certification process. Some certifying bodies, however, may allow you to substitute work experience for completion of a training program.