Strength and conditioning coaches usually need extensive education, and they may also need certification. Obtaining a paid position in this field often requires the job seeker have previous experience. Positions on sports teams are frequently filled by those who personally know a head sport coach, and so developing connections in the chosen field will be helpful for a student who wants to become a strength and conditioning coach. Some coaches may choose to work for fitness centers, sports camps, or to start their own business.
Education is essential to working in this field. A student who wishes to become a strength and conditioning coach may want to obtain an undergraduate degree in a field related to physical education from an accredited college. Many students go on to earn a Masters level degree. In some nations, particular positions may require certification from a specific certifying organization.
Along with education, experience is also important. The student should develop a strategy for gaining experience that aligns with his career goals. For example, if he wishes to become a strength and conditioning coach for U.S. football team, he will want to attend a college with a strong football program and apply to work as an intern for the college’s football team.
Relationships can be important in this field as well. Head coaches for sports teams often hire people they have worked with in the past. When a head sport coach changes teams, he frequently brings the coaching staff he has worked within the past. For a student hoping to become a strength and conditioning coach for a sports team, interning and volunteering can forge connections with these coaches. If the student has developed positive relationships, he may be asked to apply for any open positions.
Coaches who are interested in working for private business can apply for employment with fitness centers and sports camps. When working for a fitness center, they may assist clients as a general fitness coach as well as work with athletes as a weight lifting or conditioning coach. These coaches may work as employees or as independent contractors.
Another option for someone who wants to become a strength and conditioning coach is to start his own business. The coach can open a fitness center or his own sports camp. In these cases, the coach takes on the risks and responsibilities of any small startup business. Though there are added stresses, a successful business may be more lucrative than working as an employee for another organization.