A stable master provides care for horses and maintains their quarters. To become a stable master, you will need to be familiar with how to feed, groom, and ride horses. You may want to take different types of stable master training before applying for work. Many of these jobs are filled by word of mouth, so it can be important to network with horse owners so you can find openings. Certain part time jobs can help you gain experience while meeting people who are interested in hiring these workers.
Since you may often work unsupervised once you become a stable master, knowing how to care for horses is essential. Stable owners typically do not hire workers who have never cared for equines because it is too time consuming to train them to do so. As a result, these owners typically hire employees who have a reputation for being knowledgeable about these animals. If you do not own horses yourself, it can be helpful to spend time with people who do. This can help you learn to feed and care for these animals properly.
Many ranches offer riding lessons which can help you become a stable master. You may be asked to saddle horses or exercise them while you are working. Knowing how to groom these animals or provide basic medical care could also be useful, and there is training available for these things as well. If you receive a certificate for this stable master training, be sure to mention it on your resume.
Another advantage to taking training is that it can allow you to network with people who could help you find employment. Some of the trainers may actually be stable owners, which means they might hire you to become a stable master. Even if the trainer does not actually hire, he or she often knows other employers who do. You might want to ask your instructor for a letter of reference, as this can help validate your abilities to perform stable master duties to people who are not familiar with your experience.
Finding a part time job in a farm and tack store could help you become a stable master. This is because you can not only learn about different types of food and equipment, but also meet people who may need to hire stable workers. Working as a farm hand on a dairy ranch could give you experience in operating agricultural equipment and caring for large animals, which may be helpful when applying for work on a horse farm later.