To become a skin care specialist, you will need to meet the requirements for licensure in providing skin care services in the place where you live. In many places, including the United States, this means receiving licensure as either an esthetician, sometimes spelled aesthetician, or as a cosmetologist. The process to become a skin care specialist under either of these licensing programs typically involves significant classroom training as well as practical experience working on clients in a student clinic.
The practice of cosmetology or aesthetics is often regulated under the law, and individuals who wish to perform various cosmetic- and beauty-oriented services must be licensed by the appropriate authority in their area. In the United States, individuals who wish to perform facials, skin care treatments, or apply cosmetics professionally must typically hold a cosmetology or an esthetician license. Cosmetology licenses typically take longer to complete than an esthetician license and include training in hair cutting, coloring, and styling. This is in addition to training in other personal care modalities, such as skin care, nail care, and hair removal. If you are not interested in cutting or styling hair but would rather become a skin care specialist, pursuing an esthetician's license will give you more focused training in both facial and body skin care as well as makeup artistry and hair removal techniques.
To receive the training that will help you become a skin care specialist, you should contact schools in your area that offer skin care specialist training. Many times, beauty schools offer esthetician training as an alternative to cosmetology. Some trade schools and junior colleges also offer esthetician education. In addition to completing an educational program, you may also need to take an exam prescribed by the licensing board in your area. The exam may be composed of both written questions as well as practical demonstrations of various skin care techniques and other procedures.
After you complete any educational or exam requirements, you may have to also meet other requirements set by the licensing board in your area. These may include the requirement that you pass a background check. In addition, you may be required to complete continuing education courses in order to renew your license. As you progress in your career, you may decide to pursue additional, advanced training in skin care so as to provide a higher level of service to your customers and so that you can demonstrate your expertise to possible employers.