To become a sexual harassment attorney, you will typically need to complete the training necessary to become an attorney, which usually begins with completion of high school or an equivalent program. You will then need to work on and receive your undergraduate degree, usually a bachelor’s degree, and then be accepted into a law school program. Once you are in law school, you will likely have an opportunity to focus on a particular area of law, in which case you would want to focus on employment law and sexual harassment legislation. You can then become a sexual harassment attorney by completing your work in law school and becoming licensed to practice law in your region or country.
A sexual harassment attorney is an attorney who focuses primarily on sexual harassment lawsuits and similar employment law. You will typically need to work toward a law degree to become a sexual harassment attorney or lawyer, and choose to specialize in employment law and sexual harassment cases as you finish your education. A law degree usually begins with an undergraduate degree, which means you will need to receive your high school diploma or general educational development (GED) certification, and then apply to a college or university to begin working to become a sexual harassment attorney.
While many different types of bachelor’s degrees can be used to become a sexual harassment attorney, you should consider a degree that can help you in law or in employment law specifically, such as a business degree. As you finish your bachelor’s degree, you can then begin applying at law schools; you will likely need to take the Law School Admission Test (LSAT) before you will be accepted by a school. You should look for a school that offers a specialized program in employment law, which can help you become a sexual harassment attorney. It is also a good idea to look for a law school that is properly accredited to help you become licensed after finishing your education.
Regardless of what law school you attend, you will likely spend your first year or two learning about general law and legal precedents. Once you complete this work, you can work to become a sexual harassment attorney by taking classes that focus on employment law and similar subjects. After you finish your law school degree, which usually takes about three years and is referred to as a Juris Doctorate, you can then take the steps necessary to be licensed to practice law in your region or country. In many areas, this involves completion of several days of written tests; once you pass the tests, you can begin working on sexual harassment cases and lawsuits to become a sexual harassment attorney.