For people who want to become a school supervisor, or school principal, you need to have a special desire to work with children and adults in a learning environment. An advanced college degree will almost certainly be required by school districts hiring school supervisors. Basic job duties include just about anything that has to do with the daily functioning of a school or educational institution, so those who want to become a school supervisor must also possess the ability to make precise evaluations of many different processes and people involved in running a school.
With very few exceptions, to become a school supervisor you will need to get a master's degree in education administration or other related field; some schools may even require a doctoral degree. The competition for these positions may be strong, so an advanced degree may provide an edge when looking for employment. Many people start out as teachers and advance into administrative positions through their career. Depending upon the area or region, you may be required to obtain a license in school supervision and may need to pass an examination. Other professional certifications like a Child Development Associate (CDA) or bilingual education credential may also be required.
The responsibilities of a school supervisor basically involve all activities associated with the day-to-day operations of a school or educational institution. School supervisors must be adept at public relations, which is essential in maintaining productive relationships between the school and its surrounding community. Other duties include planning ways to help the teaching staff to improve professionally and arrange for meaningful opportunities for professional growth and career advancement. Those who want to become a school supervisor must also work to develop, implement, and continually improve curriculum and teaching methods. Problem-solving, planning, and budget preparation are also critical duties of this job.
School supervisors are responsible for monitoring the academic progress of students and their overall performance through the implementation and oversight of annual or semi-annual academic testing, so it's important to understand the role of testing in education. They must also provide and monitor teacher and staff performance objectives, as well as visit classrooms to make individual teaching evaluations. Evaluating academic curriculum on a continuing basis ensures up-to-date educational materials are provided to all students. Those wanting to become a school supervisor must also be prepared to make evaluations on the activities and behavior of students, teachers, and other school staff.