If you want to become a prosecuting attorney, then you need a good amount of educational background in law as well as some professional experience in trial law. You should begin with a law degree, which you can pursue after you complete a bachelor’s degree by attending an accredited law school. Once you have your degree, then you need to pass the bar exam in the state or region in which you wish to practice law. After you have received the education you need and joined the bar, then you can become a prosecuting attorney by first gaining experience in trial law and then applying for a government position.
To become a prosecuting attorney, also known as a prosecutor, you should first begin with the education you need. This begins with a bachelor’s degree received from a college or university that is accredited and recognized by post-graduate programs in law. While no particular bachelor’s degree is required to be admitted to a law school, you should consider a program related to law, such as criminal justice. If you want to become a prosecuting attorney in a particular field, such as family law or “cyber crime,” then you might pursue a bachelor’s degree in social work or computer science.
Once you have a bachelor’s degree, then you can apply to a law school. You should be sure you apply at accredited law schools recognized by the state or federal bar of the state or country in which you wish to practice law. Most law schools require that you take the Law School Admission Test (LSAT). Once you are admitted into law school, then you can take the courses necessary to receive your law degree and continue your efforts to become a prosecuting attorney.
After you have finished your law degree, then you typically need to take a bar exam to join the bar of any state or country in which you wish to become a prosecuting attorney. This exam can take several days to complete and you should be sure to study a great deal to prepare for it. Once you pass the exam and join the bar, then you can begin working to become a prosecuting attorney. While some states may accept new lawyers as prosecutors, most states require that you have at least one year of professional experience. You can work as a legal aid, become an assistant to a prosecutor, or even join a private law firm to gain this experience and then apply with your government to become a prosecutor.