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How do I Become a Paramedical Esthetician?

Laura M. Sands
Laura M. Sands
Laura M. Sands
Laura M. Sands

Before training to become a paramedical esthetician in the United States, most cosmetology schools require potential applicants to have first completed high school or its equivalent. If you have already done so, you can enroll in a cosmetology course designed to prepare you to become a licensed esthetician. Further admission requirements differ among schools, but some also require the successful passing of an entrance examination before admittance is granted. In addition to courses offered in an accredited esthetician program, you may also benefit from taking college-level courses in biology, anatomy and medical terminology. After successfully completing a training program, most regions require you to become a standard licensed esthetician before seeking work as a paramedical esthetician.

Paramedical estheticians often work side-by-side with cosmetic surgeons by advising patients on skincare before and after surgery. Some also work with dermatologists while treating various skincare issues. Often, the duties of this specialized skincare worker include: advising patients on how to cover scars or bruises with makeup; how to apply makeup in such a way as to give the appearance of having eyebrows after a patient’s natural eyebrows were lost due to radiation or chemotherapy treatment; or how to expedite the skin’s natural healing process after a surgical procedure. Beyond basic esthetician training, other skills that are needed to become a paramedical esthetician include excellent communication, time management and troubleshooting skills, as well as keen problem-solving skills.

A paramedical esthetician is a skincare specialist.
A paramedical esthetician is a skincare specialist.

During training to become a paramedical esthetician, you can expect to complete as many as 600 hours of class time. Depending on the region you live in, you will also need to successfully pass an examination that will likely consist of a written exam, as well as an examination that measures your hands-on abilities, also known as a practical examination. Once your classroom hours and all examinations are satisfactorily completed, you may become a paramedical esthetician by applying for jobs within a hospital or other clinical setting.

While courses taken outside of an accredited program are not required for licensing, individuals working in the field advise others who wish to become a paramedical esthetician to also take additional courses relating to health care. Courses in anatomy, biology and medical terminology will help better prepare you to work in this specialized field. Working in a clinical setting, as well as securing a mentor currently working in the field will also help prepare you to become a paramedical esthetician.

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    • A paramedical esthetician is a skincare specialist.
      By: japolia
      A paramedical esthetician is a skincare specialist.