Although a formal education is not required to become a monitor technician, you may want to consider enrolling in an associate's degree program or complete a training program. Employment is generally found in medical facilities. Most companies or organizations will be seeking employees with several years of experience or an education in the field. Some of the degree programs that may help you become a monitor technician include electrocardiography and cardiovascular technology. The primary goal of this position is to monitor patients heart rates and perform maintenance on equipment used to monitor human vital signs.
Many of the associate degree programs for this field are offered at community colleges or technical schools and may vary in cost. Courses that you may want to consider enrolling in are anatomy, physiology, medical terminology, and cardiograph operation. Some of these programs may take at least two years to complete, depending on the prerequisites required for advanced coursework. Most of the courses that focus on your field will be accompanied by laboratory work, which can be an excellent training experience. In addition to your courses, you may want to seek part-time employment in a medical facility to gain valuable on-the-job experience and training.
Once you become a monitor technician, there are several types of facilities that employ this position including private medical offices, surgical facilities, and hospitals. Previous experience in the medical field will help you become a monitor technician because it can familiarize you with the industry. This will also provide you with the hands-on training that future employers may be seeking. Additional training programs will provide you with clinical experience and allow you to apply your knowledge to the workplace. Depending on the length of the program, you may receive certification, which can also increase your chances to become a monitor technician.
There are several other duties that a monitor technician will need to perform and some tasks may require that you are proficient with medical computer programs. Some of these positions may require an abundance of data entry and while in school you may want to enroll in several computer courses. Depending on the type of facility that you would like to work in, you may be required to have a flexible schedule, especially if hired by a hospital. This job may also require some heavy lifting when monitoring equipment needs to be relocated and you should be in fairly good shape.