An individual who wants to become a Medicare biller usually earns a high school diploma or a general educational development (GED) diploma in preparation for this career. There is no set-in-stone standard for pursuing this career, however. To be competitive among other job candidates, an individual interested in this career typically goes on to seek additional training after high school. He may enroll in a certificate program that provides training in medical billing or seek a degree in a science, health, or medical office management major.
An individual who wants to become a Medicare biller usually completes high school as his first step toward pursuing this career. Many employers view GEDs or equivalent credentials as suitable for this position as well. While college is not required for a person interested in this field, earning a degree or at least completing some college courses may give an aspiring Medicare biller an advantage over other job applicants. Likewise, training received at a community college or vocational school may help a person to be a more attractive job candidate. Courses that help an individual prepare for this career include those in anatomy and physiology, medical billing, coding, and office management.
In many cases, a person who wants to become a Medicare biller earns an associate's degree in a science field or opts for training that leads to a certificate in medical billing. In fact, there are some certificate programs, available through community colleges and vocational schools, that can be completed in as little as a few weeks or months. There are even some schools that offer internship programs for aspiring medical billers, allowing them to gain some experience in the field right away.
While some employers are willing to offer training to qualified job candidates, securing some medical office experience may help an aspiring Medicare biller to have a better chance at getting a job. An individual in this field may gain experience working as a receptionist or assistant in a medical office or even by working as an office manager. Some people may even get medical office experience as transcriptionists and then move on to a billing position.
Once an individual is ready to become a Medicare biller, he may apply for a job with a private doctor’s office or dental-care facility. He may also find available jobs at other types of medical care facilities, hospitals, and pharmacies. A Medicare biller may even find gainful employment with a government agency.