The qualifications for someone to become a medical lab tech may vary from place to place. In many places, however, a high school diploma and an associate’s degree or certificate are considered the minimum educational requirements for a person who wants to pursue this career. Some students may go to school to obtain bachelor’s degrees in preparation for this career as well. While this may not be a necessary step, securing a higher level of education may give a person a leg up when the time comes to apply for a job.
A medical lab tech may work in a hospital, medical office, research center, or laboratory facility. Typically, his job is to process samples of bodily fluids, such as blood and urine, as well as certain types of body tissues. He may prepare samples for analysis and then use laboratory devices to examine the specimens for the presence of bacteria, viruses, parasites, and fungi. He may also do blood matching in preparation for blood transfusions, check the white blood cell count in a person’s blood sample, and test the blood to see how much prescription medication is present within it.
There are many medical lab technician programs for a person interested in pursuing this career. A person may attend a vocational school or community college and pursue a certificate or associate’s degree in preparation for this job. In some cases, a person who wants to become a medical lab tech may need to commit one to two years to completing one of these programs. Often, these programs combine coursework in chemistry, microbiology, lab mathematics, pathology, and microscopy with in-lab training and instruction.
Alternatively, a person who wants to become a medical lab tech may attend training programs offered in a hospital, which combine on-the-job training with preparatory coursework. While a person could seek a bachelor’s degree in preparation for this field, a person with a four-year degree may find it more beneficial to pursue a career as a lab technologist. In such a case, he may have more responsibility and earn more pay.
In many places, an aspiring medical lab tech is advised or encouraged to seek certification in the field. This usually requires a person who wants to become a medical lab tech to pay a fee and pass a standardized exam. A tech who has earned certification may have more job prospects than uncertified techs.