To become a medical claims specialist, you typically will need an associate's degree in health information technology. Required coursework usually includes medical terminology, anatomy, coding procedures, and legal obligations. Another way you could become a medical claims specialist is to obtain a diploma or certificate from a training facility that specializes in medical billing and coding. There are various training programs that offer courses in these disciplines. These training programs can take place either in person or via correspondence courses.
High school students with an interest in medical claims usually should ensure that biology, math, and computer science courses are a part of the curriculum. This could increase chances of being accepted into a degree-granting program. On the other hand, many distance-learning programs do not have any educational prerequisites, so people without a high school diploma can still enter this field.
Medical claims specialists work in various settings, such as doctor offices, hospitals, and care facilities. In order to become a medical claims specialist, however, you typically will be required to have contact with patients. This can be rare for health care industry jobs but can be appealing to many.
To become a medical claims specialist usually involves filling out paperwork so that insurance companies can process payments. It may sound simple, but it requires a person to have profound knowledge of medical terminology. Also, it can be important for you to be a detail-oriented person.
It should be noted that many employers prefer to hire people who have obtained a specialty certification, such as a Registered Health Information Technician (RHIT) certificate. In order to receive this credential, you would need an associate degree from an accredited program. Also, you would need to have a passing score on an exam administered by the American Health Information Management Association.
Many employers also prefer to hire people with experience, which can cause problems for entry-level candidates. You typically should be prepared to network within industry organizations in order to find job leads. Looking for jobs in places like long-term care facilities is also an option. A candidate may be eligible for a work-from-home position once he or she has proven him- or herself in the office. These positions are generally only offered to people with years of experience.