If you want to become a master technician in the United States, you should have a high school diploma. For most jobs, you will not need to have a college degree, though some additional training is generally required. In most cases, employers will expect applicants to have a certification from the National Automotive Technicians Education Foundation (NATEF). Courses are usually offered at either the high school level or at community colleges, so it is usually not difficult to obtain access to them.
If you are interested in this type of work, you may be able to find an entry level job, or a position as a trainee, even if you do not already have a certification that would qualify you for employment. In such a situation, you would likely start out making a lower salary, but on a positive note, your employer would probably pay for you to become certified. If you are still in high school, you should check with your guidance counselor to see if there are any automotive training programs available in your area. Even if there are not any at your school, you could be able to attend training classes at a school that is nearby.
Another popular certification for people who want to become a master technician is one from the National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence. This professional designation is called the ASE, or Automotive Service Excellence certification. The coursework for any of the training programs offered generally involves mathematics, automotive technology, and electronics and computers.
In addition to having the proper training, you should also have solid communication skills. If you have the ability to explain automotive concepts to others, you may be an excellent candidate to become a master technician. Some positions could require you to speak directly to customers to explain what is wrong with their vehicles, so if you are comfortable in this type of role, you should do well.
The demands of this type of job can be strenuous at times, so it is usually helpful for applicants to have high energy levels and a considerable amount of enthusiasm. To become a master technician, you should expect to have to work on your feet for long periods of time, so you should be physically able to do so without difficulty. You should also have the ability to work well with others, as this kind of work is typically not solitary in nature.