If you want to become a masseuse, then you should typically consider the education you need to become a professional masseuse or massage therapist. This usually requires that you have a high school diploma or equivalent certification and then attend a program that prepares you to work as a masseuse. You should look for an appropriately accredited school to attend; you should also be aware of any licensing requirements in the region or country in which you wish to work. Once you have your certification or licensure necessary to become a masseuse, you can look for employment opportunities or start your own business.
To become a masseuse, you typically need to have either a high school diploma or equivalent certification, such as completion of a general education degree (GED) program. You can then look for programs at various schools, often either a one- or two-year program, which can prepare you to become a masseuse. There are different specializations within massage therapy, including specific types of massage like Swedish and Shiatsu, as well as areas of focus like athletic and clinical massage. You should consider any area of massage therapy in which you may want to focus or specialize, and choose a school that offers a program in this field.
In some countries and regions, you may also need proper licensure to become a masseuse. You should be aware of any laws and regulations in your area regarding this requirement, and choose a school that is accredited from an appropriate organization. In the US, for example, you should consider certification from the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB). To become a masseuse and work legally, many states in the US require that you successfully take the Massage and Bodywork Licensing Examination (MBLEx) to receive licensure in your area.
Once you have any certification or licensure required to become a masseuse, then you should look for opportunities to work in massage therapy. If you are interested in sports or athletic massage, for example, you might look for sports teams, athletic organizations, and gyms in need of a masseuse. You can also look for private businesses that employ massage therapists. If you are interested in starting your own business to become a masseuse, then you should look into requirements to acquire a business license in your area.