A marine technician primarily repairs and installs equipment on boats, and there are several ways to enter this profession. Vocational schools offer diploma programs for those wishing to become a marine technician, and these programs may take up to two years depending on the level of certification that you are seeking. There are also associate degree programs that can help you become a marine technician. You may want to research positions in the area that you are seeking employment to determine the general requirements for entering this profession. Most community colleges offer associate degree programs in an applied science discipline called marine technology.
The diploma program courses will cover topics such as steering and controls, propulsion and engine systems, and introduction to pumps. Most of the coursework in this training program is based on the technical functions of ship parts including direct current (DC) electrical systems, alternating current (AC) electrical systems, and fresh water plumbing. These programs are designed to familiarize you with boat components including transmissions, boat hulls, and drive systems. In addition to basic coursework, you may be introduced to the various types of ships you may work on once you become a marine technician.
An associate degree program generally requires two years of study and the marine technology program will focus on specific engine diagnosis for repairing, maintaining, and troubleshooting problems on various vessels. Other topics that this program may cover include diesel engine problems, cooling systems, fuel systems, and marine outboard engine repair. These courses may provide some hands-on training needed to become a marine technician. Although training is important to enter this profession, many companies may offer on-the-job training once you are hired. There are several types of companies that hire this position and training requirements may vary depending on the individual company.
Some jobs that you may consider applying for include that of a marine vehicle operator, marine parts manager, marine mechanic, and marine service technician. Once you become a marine technician, you may be required to perform numerous duties including adjusting electrical point settings, repairing bilge pumps, replacing wires, and working on large engine components. Due to this position revolving around boats and other watercraft, some locations may be more prominent for finding employment than others. You should begin seeking employment at marinas, boat shops, harbors, and various other repair shops. Some locations may require that you have specific certification and you should research local requirements before seeking employment.