The path to become a laundry supervisor can include on-the-job training in addition to formal instruction and certifications. Most laundry workers enter the field with a high school diploma or even less education, and there are typically no prerequisite skills or training. In order to move into a managerial or supervisory position, you will typically need to perform well as a laundry worker and inquire about advancement opportunities. Some companies will promote you into a managerial position if you put in sufficient hours and show enough initiative, though in other cases you will need to obtain specialized education to become a laundry supervisor. Laundry and dry cleaning courses are sometimes sponsored by employers, though you may need to obtain training on your own to advance in your career.
There are typically very few educational or training barriers to enter the laundry and dry cleaning fields. It is often possible to become a laundry worker with only a high school diploma, though some companies will even hire people who have less education than that. Many laundry companies prefer to hire employees who possess prior experience in the field, though on-the-job training is usually available as well. If you obtain a job as a laundry worker and think you would like to eventually become a laundry supervisor, there may be a number of different employment opportunities available to you. After you have obtained enough job experience, you may be able to find work with hotels, cruise lines, nursing homes and various other facilities.
Most laundry and dry cleaning companies promote supervisors from within, so if you are already a laundry worker you may want to assess the company you work for. If you work for a large company that has a lot of employees and a high turnover rate, you may be presented with better advancement opportunities. Regardless of the company you work for, you may want to inquire about advancement opportunities and find out if there is a specific process you will need to go through. In many cases, you will find the only requirements to become a laundry supervisor are good people skills and a solid work history.
In other cases, you will need to undergo specialized training before you can become a laundry supervisor. Some training companies offer courses to individuals, which can provide you with the type of knowledge that is necessary to be an effective supervisor. Other trainers work with laundry and dry cleaning companies to provide in-house training to employees. There are often several different levels of training, each of which can prepare you for different types of supervisory work.