In order to become a journeyman plumber, you will typically need to complete some type of apprenticeship program. The availability of these apprenticeship programs can vary from one area to another, and they are often sponsored by unions, trade organizations, and private businesses. These programs typically last between four and five years, during which you will need to complete a certain number of hours of both work and classroom education. Some journeyman plumbers gain their experience through informal on the job training instead, though you will need to check with the licensing board in your local jurisdiction to determine whether that is an option. After you have satisfied the basic requirements to become a journeyman plumber, you will typically need to complete an examination designed to test your general knowledge of plumbing and specific understanding of local codes.
The position of journeyman plumber is the middle step between apprentice and master plumber. Journeymen typically have an extensive amount of experience, and they are often responsible for both the installation and repair of various plumbing systems. They are sometimes authorized to work alone, though in many circumstances they are required to operate under the supervision of a master plumber.
If you want to become a journeyman plumber, the first step is to look into local apprenticeship programs. Areas with strong union presences typically have union-sponsored apprenticeship programs, though trade organizations and local businesses also sponsor these types of programs. You can also look into local community colleges and vocational schools, as many often have useful training courses for aspiring plumbers. Another option you may want to consider is to inquire with local plumbers to see if anyone is looking to hire a helper or apprentice. There are typically no requirements or licensing procedures for helpers, while apprentices are typically required to complete a certain number of hours of classroom education each year.
After you have met the experience and educational requirements, the final step to become a journeyman plumber is typically to obtain a license. This process usually involves taking some type of test, which is designed to verify that you have enough knowledge and experience to become a journeyman plumber. The exact material covered by these tests can vary from one area to another, though most of them include sections devoted specifically to local laws and codes. That makes it very important to familiarize yourself with the local plumbing codes or laws, and you will typically need to obtain a new license if you ever want to work in a different jurisdiction.