The steps to become a holistic therapist may differ depending on the field that you intend on working in and the type of education needed for that particular field. There are certification training programs that are available, but some students opt to attend medical school in order to broaden their options. Vocational schools, online programs, and some colleges offer certification courses that are needed to become a holistic therapist. Researching all options is the best method to determine which program best suits your needs. Due to the length of time, expense, and competitiveness of medical school programs, the less difficult route to practicing holistic therapy is often an accredited training program.
There are a variety of training courses available, and you should enroll in courses that cater to the area that you plan on practicing. Several types of certification courses include aromatherapy, crystal therapy, and massage therapy. Many students choose to achieve multiple certifications to become a holistic therapist because most positions will require employees to be able to perform more than one type of therapy. Some private practices focus on one area of expertise, such as acupuncture or massage therapy, but the benefits of being a well-rounded therapist are salary and career advancement.
Various holistic disciplines have different courses. An aromatherapy course usually focuses on the benefits of various therapeutic oils, how to extract oil, basic foot and body massage techniques, and mixing oils to maximize a patient's therapeutic experience. Topics studied in crystal therapy courses usually include the history of crystal therapy, chakra reading, balancing techniques, and the polarity of the body. Holistic massage therapy training is relatively longer than most of the other certification programs and is considered a more popular type of therapy. A 60 hour program may be required to become a holistic therapist in this specialized area of holistic medicine, and includes courses such as foot reflexology, anatomy, therapeutic modalities, and advanced massage courses.
Holistic therapy is an extremely broad field that offers a number of positions and career opportunities. Constant improvements are being made in this field, and you should continuously do research to remain up-to-date on all holistic innovations. In addition to certification, you should possess several personality traits to successfully become a holistic therapist. Therapists should be compassionate, have excellent communication skills, and patience. Many patients who attend holistic therapy sessions may suffer from chronic health issues, and therapists should be understanding and able to explain the treatment process.