A grader operator is the primary person in charge of running a piece of heavy machinery known as a grader. The educational prerequisite for training to become a grader operator is usually a high school diploma, though your preparation can be through on-the-job training, an apprenticeship program, or through paid training, or a a combination of all of these options. Although some vocational schools provide courses in operating construction equipment, they do not have uniform standards. Before you enroll in a school, seek advice from a contractor or trade union to make sure the program will equip you with good credentials. There are also a variety of both general skills and personality characteristics that anyone who is seeking to become a grader operator should possess.
The best way to become a grader operator is through an apprenticeship program, usually jointly administered through a regional contractors association and an international operating engineer union. The qualifications for entrance into an apprenticeship include being in excellent physical condition, having good eye-hand coordination, and being at least 18 years old. These programs generally combine at least three years of on-the-job training with at least 144 hours of classroom work per year. In training to become a grader operator, you will acquire knowledge in various areas. In addition to gaining familiarity with workplace safety measures, truck and equipment safety, and equipment cleaning, maintenance, and storage, you will also learn how to keep accurate records of the job.
The training of grader operators will provide them with job skills specific to their work. You will gain a mastery of the operation of self-propelled motor graders, form stakes, and lines. Other skills acquired in this training includes expertise in rough grade finishing, including being able to spread and mix materials on roadways. You will also gain an understanding of grades, as well as plans and drawings involved in overall road construction.
Aside from specific work skills, various general skills can be an advantage to anyone wanting to become a grader operator. The ability to read and write is needed for record keeping, while good verbal and listening skills are required to communicate effectively. Interpersonal skills are needed to work well with a team and to foster good relationships with clients. Analytical and problem solving skills are an advantage, as well as good stress and time management skills as the job can often involve juggling multiple jobs at once.
Certain personality attributes can also be helpful for anyone wanting a career in construction jobs. Having good cultural awareness and sensitivity will serve you well in working with people from different backgrounds, and you should be able to deal with others with courtesy and respect, as well as exhibit honesty and trustworthiness. As with any job, a sound work ethic is advantageous.