There are several methods of becoming a gas mechanic, enrolling in a technical school and completing a course in gasoline auto or engine mechanics. Another way to become a mechanic is to apprentice with a certified mechanic, and then take a certification test once you feel you have mastered the necessary skills. There is also a low-cost method used by several individuals hoping to become a gas mechanic: agreeing to a term of employment in exchange for an education. Some automobile dealerships will pay the cost of enrolling a potential employee in a program to become a gas mechanic, providing the person agrees to work for the dealership for an agreed upon-duration after completing the course.
In most circumstances, if you want to become a gas mechanic, you will be required to have graduated from high school. You will then need to research technical schools and decide upon a program that features the type of mechanics or specialties that you want to take, and then enroll in the school. In many areas, there is a governing authority that certifies qualified mechanics in order to signify that the person has completed the required training to become a knowledgeable mechanic. In the United States, that authority is the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE).
Occasionally, you may have sufficient knowledge and understanding of the gasoline-powered engine to warrant taking the certification test without having attended any formal type of mechanic education course. In this situation, you can usually take the test and receive the proper certification to become a gas mechanic and secure employment as such. You can also become a gas mechanic by working under the supervision of a certified mechanic, and become educated in all aspects of mechanics in that fashion. When you feel that you are ready, you can take the test and become certified to perform mechanics.
These methods will allow you to become a gas mechanic in most forms from small engines to automobile and aircraft mechanics. In most cases, the initial certification is only to signify that you are able to perform most basic mechanical functions. Advanced certification, such as the ASE Master Mechanic certification, is required to be a specialized mechanic in specific areas. Electronics, fuel delivery and engine tune-ups are some of the areas that you can be certified or specialized in. When entering some areas, such as boat mechanics, you will be required to learn both inboard and outboard gas engines to become a certified repairman.