A dental assistant performs numerous tasks in a dentist’s office, including taking X-rays, keeping the office clean and sterile, and assisting during cleanings or other dental procedures. Most assistants start out as trainees until they gain the necessary experience to work on their own. To become a dental assistant trainee, you will need to have at least a high school education, and may have to go through a formal training program. Good people skills, an ability to follow directions, and good manual dexterity are also important.
The education requirements to become a dental assistant trainee vary depending on the employer. Some dental offices allow you to start training with just a high school education, while others may require you to take courses in the dental assistant field before starting a position. These courses can often be found at vocational-technical schools or community colleges, and typically take only a few months to complete. In many cases, the program can help you find a position in a dentist’s office.
If you opt for a formal training program, look for one that focuses on hands-on training. The school should have an area that allows you to practice different techniques, such as the proper way to sterilize and handle instruments or use an X-ray machine. Having a chance to practice these techniques before applying for a job may give you an edge over the competition.
During your training, expect to spend a significant amount of time learning proper hygiene and infection control procedures. The program will also give you an overview of dental sciences and procedures, which can help give you a better understanding of what will be expected of you when you become a dental assistant trainee. These classes are also beneficial if you plan to continue on to dental hygienist school later in your career.
One of the most important skills you will need to become a dental assistant trainee is an ability to follow directions carefully. Many aspects of the job require you to carry out specific tasks, such as taking X-rays of specific teeth or handing certain instruments to the dentist during procedures. When you are applying for positions, be sure to read the instructions on the application very carefully, as many employers use that as a test to see how well prospective employees can follow directions.
An ability to work well with others is very important to become a dental assistant trainee. Not only will you be working with a team of dentists, dental hygienists, and office staff, but you will also be interacting with patients on a limited basis. Many people have dentist-related phobias, and being able to show them compassion can go a long way towards easing their fears.
Good manual dexterity is an important quality if you want to become a dental assistant trainee. Part of your job will include handing the dentist various small instruments, and you will need to be able to pick them up without compromising their sterility. This task may be difficult, since you will be wearing gloves while handling the instruments.
Once you have the education and all the necessary basic skills, you can begin applying for positions to become a dental assistant trainee. The career outlook for this position is good, so you should be able to find a position fairly quickly if you live in an area with numerous dental offices. After working under an experienced assistant or other type of supervisor for several months, you may be ready to work as a full-fledged dental assistant.