An individual who wants to become a criminal court clerk typically has to complete high school or earn a general educational development (GED) diploma to do so. Requirements for becoming a criminal court clerk may vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, but high school is the minimum level of education required in most places. Many court systems prefer those who’ve earned college degrees in business- or law-related fields over those with only high-school-level educations, however. In some cases, a criminal court clerk must be elected rather than simply hired. Higher levels of education are typically preferred for elected positions as well.
An individual may start preparing for a career as a criminal court clerk in high school. Even at this level, taking classes that help a person to develop written and verbal skills may prove helpful. Sometimes a person who wants to become a criminal court clerk may find it advantageous to participate in drama or debate clubs. Both may help him to build his verbal communication skills. Likewise, classes that help a student to increase his familiarity with computers may be helpful.
An aspiring criminal court clerk may do well to major in criminal justice or a law-related field in college. Likewise, degrees in business, such as business administration, may give a person a better chance of landing this job. While it is possible that a person who wants to become a criminal court clerk may secure a position after earning an associate’s degree, his chances of getting this job are better if he earns a bachelor’s degree. Additionally, an individual in this field may do well to learn a foreign language, especially if there is a significant population of foreign speakers in the region in which he will work.
Besides education, there are some particular skills that may prove important for a person who wants to become a criminal court clerk. Among them are organizational skills, which may be acquired while completing college work or when working in an office. Working in a legal office, for example, may give an individual who wants to become a criminal law clerk valuable experience. Not only can an aspiring criminal court clerk hone his organizational sills in such a position, but he can also gain important knowledge of legal terminology and rules, court procedures, and oath administering.
A person who wants to become a criminal court clerk usually needs transcription skills and some experience using computers and word processors. Experience with photo copiers and microfilm machines is important as well. Knowledge of telephone etiquette is also considered important for someone in this field.