If you want to become a cosmetician, the first step to take should be to check any necessary licensing requirements or certification credentials needed in your particular country and region. Doing this can make it easier to find a good cosmetology school that has the proper curriculum and accreditation. A high school diploma or general equivalency development (GED) certificate may be required to attend beauty school in some countries, while in others it may not be necessary. Likewise, some areas permit those under legal age to become a cosmetician, while others do not. In any case, doing informal study and practice on your own to learn about makeup, hair and skin care is essential.
If you aren't motivated to delve into the world of cosmetics and beauty in your spare time, it may indicate that you don't have enough passion for the career to become a cosmetician. On the other hand, if you find yourself interested in makeup and hair tips to the point of wanting to "make over" your friends and family members, a career in cosmetology may be a good fit. In addition to taking the required cosmetology courses for your area, it's a great idea to create your own website complete with a gallery of your work.
Even if you have no professional or work experience in doing makeup and nails, you can use your friends' and family members' makeovers as long as they agree to have their photographs on your website. You may also want to create a book to take with you to in-person interviews when applying for jobs at a department or drugstore makeup counter. Try to have a wide range of looks you designed in your portfolio gallery, such as both daytime and evening looks. If you want to become a cosmetician, you'll likely have to be versatile and able to adjust to the needs and wants of different clientele, so having different ages and skin tones of models in your photographs is a good idea.
When you have the required licensing and credentials, having a professional business card that includes your website can help get interested employers to look at your gallery as well as hopefully call you for a job offer. Looking appropriately groomed yourself during interviews may help you to become a cosmetician working in your desired place of employment. Do your research before the interview so you know what type of styles the employer wants for its clientele. Be prepared to communicate your knowledge of products, skincare, skin tones, hair and beauty issues in general.