In order to become a computer service technician, you will have to go through an educational program that teaches you how to repair and maintain computer systems. There are many programs available to those interested in the computer services industry. Gaining on the job experience through an apprenticeship will also be useful to you as you seek to become a computer service technician.
While certification is not typically required for this kind of a position, a degree from an accredited school is. Most computer service technicians research and apply to programs which grant an associate degree in information technology, computer repair, or computer tech. These programs are dedicated to teaching would-be computer technicians the vocabulary and skills they must know in order to fix most computer problems. From eliminating computer software viruses to repairing a broken keyboard or monitor, you will be expected to learn these skills and more during an associate degree granting program.
It is not necessary for you to get a bachelor's degree, although it might be something that you want to look into if you want to become a computer service technician that manages other employees. The higher the degree you obtain in information technology usually means the more responsibility you can take on. Responsibilities may include overseeing a team of technicians and coordinating between clients who need up to date computer repair services and the technicians who can help them.
The difference in the types of courses you will take at a four year college which grants a bachelor's degree and an associate degree program in information technology or computer science is that you will be exposed to a more theoretical approach to computer maintenance and systems repair. Bachelor's degree programs are also usually more well known to prospective employers. Associate degree programs are less expensive, however, and require less time to complete. Research each type of program and think through how each can meet your educational and career goals at this point in your life.
For the person who desires to become a computer service technician, getting on the job training is crucial. You can usually find such opportunities through military programs, vocational schools, and companies which specialize in producing computer hardware. Any of these avenues will provide you with solid foundational knowledge of all the different scenarios that could occur while fixing computers on site.