Calculation agents are typically financial investment professionals who determine how much derivatives are worth. To become a calculation agent, it is first a good idea to get a strong academic background in a field such as economics and finance. While you are studying toward your degrees, it is essential that you learn some complex statistical and mathematical models that involve the principles of probability and statistical analysis. A person who would like to become a calculation agent should get a number of years of experience working in the financial services industry or for relevant regulatory agencies.
People who work as calculation agents normally are employed by broker-dealer firms, which specialize in buying and selling securities by offering quotes both for bids and offers. These professionals use various programs to track the behaviors of markets and to perform market analyses. They study the history of securities and assets in similar market climates and perform fundamental analyses to predict the current value of underlying assets of derivatives. This makes it almost essential to receive specialized training in an economics or finance degree to work as a calculation agent.
Whatever degree you pursue, you should make sure that you learn about complicated mathematical models. Aspiring calculation agents might take courses in quantitative analysis, linear algebra, and calculus. While a person who wants to become a calculation agent may not be required to earn a graduate degree, it is important to remember that this can be an extremely competitive field. The better your credentials, the easier it might be to move into this kind of position. It is essential to illustrate your intelligence, effectiveness, and ability to adapt to quickly changing scenarios. The buying and selling processes of broker-dealer firms can sometimes occur in a matter of seconds.
To become a calculation agent, you should take internships while you are studying both in an undergraduate and a graduate program. In some cases, it is possible to take a calculation agent internship in which you might assist in fixing interest rates, updating databases, and performing basic bookkeeping duties. These internships with financial firms and institutions also can be incredibly competitive. To earn this kind of internship, it is a good idea to keep a high grade point average and to find professors or professional references who can write you reference letters.
A person who wants to become a calculation agent should plan on working as an assistant for a number of years. As in many industries, a good way to move up in the investment world is to reach out to like-minded people, network, and make connections. At the same time, it is essential that you prove yourself to be a proficient and efficient worker who pays attention to details and who can solve problems quickly.