To become a biomedical engineering technician, you need a certificate or degree from a biomedical technician program. Two-year programs are available at community colleges and some universities offer a four-year program. The program typically teaches students about the electronic, mechanical, and computer equipment used in this career field. Biomedical engineering technicians must complete a series of rigorous electronics training classes, learn how to evaluate and test electronic equipment, and develop good communication and people skills.
Vocational training schools and community colleges might use different course or degree names for a program that allows a student to become a biomedical engineering technician. These different course names include biomedical engineering technology, biomedical technology, electronic engineering technology, or electronic technology. Be sure to check with each individual school or college to get all the specific details for the courses, degrees, or certificates offered upon completion. In lieu of formal education and higher academic degrees, some employers will accept on-the-job experience.
Classes offered to help someone become a biomedical engineering technician might include a mix of several different courses. Most involve familiarization with the many types of electronic equipment used in the medical and biomedical field. Other critically important classes cover the use of many different types of electronic and computer diagnostic equipment. Anyone wishing to become a biomedical engineering technician must also be able to read and use electronic equipment diagrams and mechanical blueprints.
Effective communication and good people skills will also help anyone wishing to pursue a position in this career field. Biomedical engineering technicians interact and communicate with others in the medical field on a regular basis. They assist medical staff and other personnel in setting up and maintaining successful operation of medical electronic equipment.
Many businesses, like hospitals, medical clinics, health care facilities, and labs depend on the skills and abilities of biomedical engineering technicians to tell them when expensive medical equipment and machinery must either be repaired or replaced. They must also know how to salvage usable electronic components and properly dispose of parts that contain hazardous materials — perhaps radioactive — or create some other type of environmental hazard.