When you want to apply for medical financial assistance, there are usually a few places you can turn for help. Among the most common are the billing department of the medical facility from which you received or need care, a health care lender, or a welfare department. Once you have chosen to receive care from one of these organizations, you will typically have to complete forms that detail your financial status and medical financial assistance needs. Additionally, you may have to follow your application with proof of the details you provided, such as pay stubs.
One way to apply for medical financial assistance is to contact the billing department of the facility you are having trouble paying or from which you need care. You can speak to a representative and explain your difficulty affording medical services. He or she might refer you to helpful programs or even inform you of assistance the facility offers for those who are dealing with financial hardships. At the very least, the billing department may be willing to make payment arrangements rather than requiring you to pay your bills in full.
You may also turn to loans when you are in need of medical financial assistance. Depending on where you live and your unique needs for medical care, you might find health care lenders who are willing to help. Some lending institutions offer loans you can use to pay for your medical needs and then repay in installments. For example, you could apply for a loan with a dental care lender in the event that you do not have dental insurance or are underinsured. Such a loan may make it easier for you to obtain costly services such as root canals and extractions, allowing you to pay for them over a period of time.
Many jurisdictions provide medical assistance programs for eligible residents who cannot afford health insurance. If you are eligible for one of these programs, you could receive medical insurance completely free of charge. To learn about such programs, you will typically have to contact the local department of public welfare or a similar agency in your jurisdiction for eligibility information and an application. Once you've completed the required forms, a caseworker will inform you of your eligibility or deny your application. If you are denied, the caseworker might be able to refer you to low-cost medical insurance programs or other resources for financial help.
No matter where you decide to turn for help with medical financial assistance, you will most likely have to provide a good deal of supporting information to obtain it. For example, in most cases, you will have to provide your name and contact information as well as identifying details such as your birth date and tax identification number. You typically will also have to submit information about your income and assets, family size, and employment. In the event that you are approved for the financial assistance you seek, you will likely have to provide documentation to prove your financial situation as well.