One of the biggest changes in how the job market works in the 21st century has to do with the internet. Instead of traditional paper applications being sent through the mail or delivered by hand at a storefront, many companies do most of their hiring online. Because of this, job seekers now have to go on the internet in order to find the most job opportunities.
Before a job seeker goes online looking for a job, there are a few things she should have prepared. First, she will need an electronic copy of her resume, such as a Microsoft Word formatted version. Second, she will need her work history and a list of references. Next, she will need access to all of the numbers and paperwork that allow them to work in their desired country, which means her social security number or work visa. Finally, she will need an e-mail address that she can be reached at if an employer wants to contact her.
But how do people actually apply for jobs online? There are four primary ways to apply for jobs online: through a business’s homepage, from an employment website, from a human resources company, and from an online job posting board. Job seekers should consider using more than one of these approaches in order to have the best chance of getting a job.
Most businesses keep a list of open positions on their websites, and many large companies will have their own job search engines specifically for those positions. The job openings are usually listed under the heading of “careers” or “jobs” on the business’s homepage. In order to apply, prospective applicants simply need to visit the correct section of the business’s website and follow the directions given.
Employment websites have the largest selection of jobs. Some, like Monster and Careerbuilder, contain numerous openings from multiple sources. Others, like USAJOBS, focus on a specific group such as government jobs. Employment websites generally require those wanting to apply for jobs online to fill out an online profile so that prospective employers can locate them. They also have job search engines that allow users to browse through the open jobs in a specific area. In order to apply for jobs online through an employment website, most sites require an electronic resume and may also require that an account be set up with them.
A human resource company is another way to apply for jobs online. Just like their brick-and-mortar counterparts, the online component of a human resource company assists clients with jobs. Job seekers are usually required to fill out an online profile, submit an electronic application, and then meet with an HR representative in person.
An online job posting board is also a way to find and apply for jobs online. Job posting boards are similar to employment websites, but usually only serve a niche group or have few controls over who can post jobs. Those responding to ads on a job posting board usually have to e-mail their resumes to prospective employers, though in rare cases they are required to physically mail their applications.