After receiving a credit card in the mail, you will likely have to activate it prior to using it. The point of this requirement is to make it hard for thieves to take your card — and your money — by intercepting the mail. If you are the legitimate account owner, however, then you should find it fairly simple to activate a credit card. You will likely be prompted to call a phone number and answer some security questions, though some companies instead request customers to visit a website. Some card companies do not have very strict policies when it comes to having customers activate credit cards, in which case you may need to take steps on your own to protect yourself.
One of the most common methods of activating credit cards is calling the number that typically should be listed on a sticker attached to the card. Before you call, you should be prepared to answer a few security questions to verify your identity, possibly including your full name, birth date and, in the U.S., the last part of your Social Security number. You should call from the phone number that you used on the application, because most activation systems require this step and may be unwilling to activate your card if you call from a different number. If the phone number you used on the application is no longer available to you, then you should consider calling the card company to find out how you can securely activate your credit card.
Many companies also allow you to activate new credit cards online, possibly using a website address provided for you. If so, then you should go to the website and follow the instructions, which will likely ask you to enter your name, credit card number and home address. You also may be able to activate a credit card using the company's online banking system, for which you will need to create an account, though you then will be able to use the account to pay your monthly bill online in the future. Once you enroll, you may need to answer some security questions similar to the ones you would be asked on the phone, so you should be prepared with accurate responses.
Some companies do not have many security measures in place and may allow you to activate a credit card just by using it for the first time. A percentage of those that permit this type of activation may follow up with you through an email or phone call to make sure you received the card and that you are the only person to have used it. You cannot usually depend on this safety measure, though. If you do not receive your card within six to eight weeks after you apply, then you may want to consider calling the company to find out if you were approved and a card was sent out. If you do not take this precaution, then it is possible for the card to end up being intercepted by a thief, which is exactly what companies try to avoid by requiring various steps to activate a credit card.