There are many conditions that cause water retention and bloating, so it is fortunate that there are just as many ways to treat the issue. One of the first steps to solve this problem is to avoid certain items, including salt, excess gum or hard candy, and carbonated drinks. Adding a few helpful items to your diet is the next step, such as fiber, water, and yogurt. Finally, there are some lifestyle changes that can help quite a bit, and which do not usually require you to spend money. Exercising, acupressure, warm baths, and the addition of certain vitamins to your daily routine can help you eliminate water retention and bloating.
You may be surprised by the food products that tend to cause bloating. For example, eating hard candy and chewing gum frequently can cause you to take in excess air, which can lead to bloating. Drinking carbonated beverages, especially through a straw, is known to create gas in the body, so this habit should be stopped to avoid bloating. Of course, reducing your intake of salt is one of the major steps to take to eliminate bloat from your body. You can use pepper or other spices to take the place of salt in many recipes that need added flavor, and you can eat fresh food in place of fast food and frozen products to avoid salt.
It is advised that you replace salty foods with healthier items that do not cause water retention and bloating, such as yogurt, which contains good bacteria that can help reduce bowel issues. Any food with fiber can help your system flush out excess fluids and gas, as can sufficient intake of water. Drinking at least eight glasses of water each day should result in less bloating. Bananas are another food that can decrease bloat, since they contain potassium, which is known for helping the body get rid of excess fluid. You can add variety to your new anti-bloat diet by eating raisins, as well, since they serve the same purpose as bananas.
Changing your routine a bit will not only likely result in less water retention and bloating, but it can also help you feel healthier overall. Exercising regularly can help keep your digestive system moving, and can help you sweat out water, as well. You can also get medicines that claim to reduce bloating from your local drugstore, along with vitamin B6, which is a diuretic that can help you flush out water with more frequent urination. Other home remedies include acupressure, as putting some pressure on your pinky finger has been known to help reduce water retention and bloating. Finally, a reduction in stress, the addition of warm baths, and several smaller meals instead of three large meals can all help reduce bloating.